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Raise awareness and show support for breast reconstruction rights on National BRA Day - empowering women to feel whole again!
Interested in Sponsoring National BRA Day?
Hooray for National BRA Day on October 16! BRA here stands for Breast Reconstruction Awareness, a cause worth celebrating and advocating for. Created in 2011 by a plastic surgeon in Toronto, Canada, National BRA Day aims to educate and empower women to take charge of their post-mastectomy reconstruction options. It's an incredibly important day that highlights the combination of personal health and self-confidence. So, let's raise awareness and reaffirm the right of all women to feel whole again! Absolutely everyone can join in because when it comes to empathy and support, we're all in this together!
Invite friends, family, and community members to a BRA Day party. Use this gathering as an opportunity to speak about breast cancer and reconstruction options available post-mastectomy. You can facilitate discussions, invite speakers, or even just create a supportive environment for survivors and others affected by breast cancer.
Many communities host events such as fun runs or walks on National BRA Day to raise awareness and funds for breast reconstruction research. Join in, or if no such event exists in your area, organize one!
Support women's right to reconstructive surgery by making a donation to a reputable organization with focus on this area. Your contribution could help provide financial assistance for those who cannot afford surgery, fund research, or support educational initiatives.
You can make an impact simply by sharing facts, stories, and statistics about breast cancer and reconstruction post-mastectomy on social media. Use the hashtag #BRADay to join the global conversation and raise visibility for the cause.
Sport the color traditionally associated with breast cancer awareness with your attire on National BRA Day, and explain the meaning behind your choice when asked. This simple act can spark many important conversations about breast cancer and reconstruction rights.
National BRA Day is a celebration of the power and resilience of women who have undergone mastectomies. This day encourages them to explore all options available to them and empowers them to make decisions about their bodies with confidence and support.
This day raises awareness about a part of breast cancer treatment that is not often talked about - breast reconstruction after mastectomy. It provides a platform for discussion, disseminating important information related to breast reconstruction options, rights and insurance coverage.
National BRA Day reminds us that in the battle against breast cancer, no one is alone. The day promotes solidarity, as everyone comes together to show their support, celebrate survivorship and honor those who have lost their battle with the disease.