May 5-11

National Correctional Officer’s Week

Honor the brave individuals who maintain our justice system during National Correctional Officer's Week - their dedication deserves our gratitude.



Lights up for our unsung heroes of the justice system, as we mark National Correctional Officer’s Week on May 5th! This week of tribute was first proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, highlighting the difficult but vital work these men and women undertake to maintain safety and order in our prisons. National Correctional Officer’s Week is an ideal time to illustrate our deep-seated appreciation for these individuals who dedicate their lives to a challenging and often underappreciated profession. Their sterling commitment to public service is a cornerstone of our justice system, and they more than deserve our recognition and gratitude. Let's band together to honor them!

National Correctional Officer’s Week Timeline

Presidential Proclamation
President Ronald Reagan first proclaimed National Correctional Officer’s Week to recognize the complex and important roles correctional officers undertake.
American Correctional Association Support
The American Correctional Association officially backed the celebration, promoting awareness within the justice system community.
Memorial Service Introduction
A memorial service tradition began, honoring fallen correctional officers during the annual commemoration.
Increased Public Recognition
Local governments and education institutions began recognizing the week with various tributes and events.
Digital Celebrations
Social media campaigns gained popularity as a way to increase awareness and show support for correctional officers.

How to Celebrate National Correctional Officer’s Week


Say thank you

Everyone appreciates a “Thank You” now and then. Take the time to write a handwritten letter of gratitude to a correctional officer you know. Let them know that their dedication and hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.


Spread awareness

Help acknowledge the efforts of these brave individuals by spreading awareness about the week on your social media platforms. Highlight their important roles in the justice system and encourage others to join in showing appreciation.


Attend a local event

Many communities organize events such as parades or ceremonies to honor correctional officers during this week. Attend these local events to show your support and appreciation for their important work.


Make a donation

There are many foundations and charities dedicated to the welfare of correctional officers and their families. Consider making a charitable donation to one of these organizations in honor of National Correctional Officer's Week.


Offer to help out

If you know a correctional officer personally, offer to help out by doing something nice like taking care of their pet for a day or cooking them a meal. This small act of kindness can go a long way in making them feel appreciated.

Why National Correctional Officer’s Week is Important


Recognition for the Unsung Heroes

During National Correctional Officer's Week, we shine a light on the unsung heroes of our justice system - the correctional officers. It's a reminder of the hard work, sacrifice and dedication these individuals undertake on a daily basis to maintain peace and safety in our prisons. Their contributions often go unnoticed, making moments of gratitude even more important.


Public Awareness and Understanding

This week offers an opportunity to shed light on the intricacies of their jobs, promoting public understanding of what they go through on a daily basis. By spreading awareness about the gravity of their position, we can generate more respect and regard for their profession.


Opportunity for Community Involvement

National Correctional Officer's Week encourages community involvement. Through local events and ceremonies, communities can come together to show their support for these brave individuals. This can foster a sense of unity and mutual respect, as we all acknowledge the dedication of our correctional officers.