April 6

National Employee Benefits Day

On National Employee Benefits Day, let's recognize and appreciate the hardworking employees who keep our companies thriving!

Yearly Date
April 6


Mark your calendars for April 6, because it's National Employee Benefits Day! This day is all about recognizing and appreciating the hard work and dedication of employees in the workforce. It was first established by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans in 2004 to shed light on the importance of employee benefits, such as healthcare, retirement plans, and paid time off. So if you have a job that offers these amazing perks, take a moment to appreciate them on this special day. And if you're an employer, use this opportunity to show your employees how much they mean to you. Let's celebrate our hardworking workforce together!

National Employee Benefits Day Timeline

Emergence of Employee Benefits
Companies began to offer employee benefits like pensions and paid time off in the late 19th century, setting a precedent for future labor policies.
Social Security Act
The U.S. government passed the Social Security Act, creating a government pension system for retired workers, thus instituting a key employee benefit at a national level.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act
The U.S. introduced the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in 1974 to regulate and protect employee benefit plans, including health insurance and pension plans.
Family Medical Leave Act
The Family Medical Leave Act was signed into law, allowing eligible workers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons.
First National Employee Benefits Day
The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans established the National Employee Benefits Day, shedding light on the importance of employee benefits.
Introduction of the ACA
The Affordable Care Act was signed into law, expanding healthcare benefits and protections for employees across the United States.

How to Celebrate National Employee Benefits Day


Host a company-wide benefits fair

Set up a benefits fair for your employees to learn about all the different benefits and perks offered by the company. This is a great way to educate and engage employees about their benefits.


Offer a special employee discount day

Celebrate your employees by offering them a special discount day where they can take advantage of discounted rates at local businesses or on popular products and services.


Recognize outstanding employees with extra benefits

Show appreciation for your top-performing employees by offering them extra benefits, such as an extra vacation day or a gift card to their favorite restaurant.


Organize a wellness activity

Promote employee health and wellness by organizing a group fitness class, a healthy cooking demonstration, or a mindfulness workshop for your employees.


Create a fun scavenger hunt

Plan a scavenger hunt around the office that highlights different employee benefits and rewards employees with small prizes along the way. This is a great way to get everyone involved and excited about their benefits.

Why We Love National Employee Benefits Day


It recognizes the hard work and dedication of employees

National Employee Benefits Day is a great opportunity to show appreciation for all the hard work and effort that employees put in. It's a special day dedicated to acknowledging their contributions and saying thank you for everything they do.


It highlights the importance of employee benefits

Employee benefits are an important part of any job - they demonstrate an employer's commitment to their staff's well-being and can greatly impact job satisfaction. National Employee Benefits Day raises awareness about the value of these benefits and encourages employers to continue providing them.


It promotes positive relationships between employers and employees

Benefits like paid time off, healthcare, and retirement plans contribute to a healthy work-life balance and help create positive relationships between employers and employees. Celebrating National Employee Benefits Day can strengthen these relationships and foster a more positive work environment for everyone.

National Employee Benefits Day FAQs

When is National Employee Benefits Day?
National Employee Benefits Day is observed annually on April 6th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Sunday.

National Employee Benefits Day Dates

Apr 6
Apr 6
Apr 6
Apr 6
Apr 6