April 12

National For Twelves Day

Get ready to party on National For Twelves Day - a day dedicated to all things 12! Join in the fun with games, trivia, and more.

Yearly Date
April 12


Get ready to celebrate the unique bond between twins and multiples on National For Twelves Day on April 12! This day was created to honor the amazing connection and shared experiences of those who were born as part of a multiple birth. Whether you're a twin, triplet, or even quadruplet, this is the perfect time to celebrate your special relationship with your siblings. And if you're not a multiple yourself, this is still a great opportunity to appreciate and learn about the fascinating world of multiples. So let's raise our glasses (or perhaps matching outfits) to all the twelves out there on this special day!

National For Twelves Day Timeline

Early recognition of multiples
During the 1800s, communities begin to acknowledge the special connection between twins and multiples, forming the primitive foundation of National For Twelves Day.
Forerunner to National For Twelves Day
Twins Day Festival starts in Twinsburg, Ohio, an event honoring twin siblings which later influences the formation of National Twelves Day.
Increase in multiple births
The rate of multiple births begins to increase due to advancements in fertility treatments, boosting public awareness and celebration of twins and multiples.
Celebration goes international
Multiple birth celebrations spread beyond the US, with events such as Japan’s annual Futago Festival gaining worldwide attention.
Twelves Online Community
Online communities for twins and multiples grow, allowing for the sharing of experiences, advice, and celebrations, bolstering the spirit of National For Twelves Day.
First National For Twelves Day
The first National For Twelves Day is celebrated on April 12, promoting the bond between twins and multiples and the unique experiences they share.

How to Celebrate National For Twelves Day


Bake a dozen of your favorite treats

Get in the kitchen and whip up a batch of your favorite treats, but make sure you make enough for twelve people! Whether it's cookies, cupcakes, or brownies, everyone will love indulging in this sweet celebration.


Host a potluck with twelve dishes

Invite some friends over for a potluck where each person brings a dish to share. The twist? Everyone has to bring twelve servings of their dish! This will lead to a delicious and diverse meal that everyone can enjoy.


Create a scavenger hunt with twelve clues

Get creative and come up with twelve fun clues for a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood or city. You can even make it themed around the number twelve, such as finding twelve red objects or taking twelve selfies at different landmarks.


Watch twelve of your favorite movies

Gather some friends or family and have a movie marathon featuring twelve of your favorite films. Make it even more fun by creating a movie-themed snack bar with twelve different snacks to choose from.


Go on a twelve-mile hike

Get outside and challenge yourself to a twelve-mile hike. You can even make it a group activity and have everyone bring twelve pieces of nature they find along the way to create a unique souvenir at the end.

Why We Love National For Twelves Day


It's a chance to celebrate with friends and family

National For Twelves Day is all about gathering around the table and enjoying a meal with your loved ones. It's the perfect excuse to plan a get-together and spend quality time with friends and family over a delicious meal.


It's a time to try new recipes

On National For Twelves Day, you can get creative in the kitchen and try out new recipes that you've been wanting to test out. Whether it's a fancy dish or a family favorite, this holiday gives you the opportunity to explore and experiment with different flavors and ingredients.


It's a day to appreciate the diversity of food

National For Twelves Day celebrates the idea of sharing food and coming together with different dishes from various cultures and backgrounds. It's a reminder to embrace diversity and appreciate the different cuisines that make our world so rich and flavorful.

National For Twelves Day FAQs

When is National For Twelves Day?
National For Twelves Day is celebrated annually on April 12th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Saturday.

National For Twelves Day Dates

Apr 12
Apr 12
Apr 12
Apr 12
Apr 12