April 12

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

Celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day with your favorite cheesy creations! Get creative and explore all the delicious possibilities!

Yearly Date
April 12


Celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day on April 12 with a delicious and cheesy sandwich! This day has been around since the late 1990s, when it was created to recognize one of the most popular comfort foods. The classic grilled cheese sandwich is made of two slices of bread with melted cheese in between them. It's easy to make and can be customized with different ingredients like bacon, tomatoes, or onions for an even tastier twist.

History of National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

Food historians and experts tell us that cultures around the world have been enjoying cheese on bread since ancient times. The modern grilled cheese sandwich that we enjoy today originated in the 1920s. While we don’t know the creator of grilled cheese sandwiches, we owe its success to Otto Frederick Rohwedder, who invented the bread slicer during the Industrial Revolution. His invention made dividing bread into even slices easier and more affordable. Luckily, shortly before the bread slicer was perfected, James L. Kraft created processed cheese. This meant that cheese could be transported over long distances and not spoil. Each significant in their own way, both inventions revolutionized sandwiches forever!  So who was the genius behind grilling the combination of cheese and bread to create the grilled cheese sandwich? According to government-issued cookbooks, surprisingly it is the American Navy who thought of it or, at the very least, were the first to publish the recipe. Hundreds of “American cheese-filled sandwiches” were prepared by Navy chefs for military personnel during World War II.   The term ‘grilled cheese’ was coined in the 1960s when the second slice of bread was added to the top of grilled cheese. Other popular names were cheese toasty and toasted cheese sandwiches.

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day Timeline

Creation of Sliced Bread
The invention of sliced bread by Otto Frederick Rohwedder in 1928 leads to the eventual popularity of the grilled cheese sandwich.
James L. Kraft Creates Kraft Foods
James L. Kraft starts a wholesale cheese business, later becoming Kraft Foods Inc. This company goes on to produce processed cheese, a key ingredient in the modern grilled cheese sandwich.
Grilled Cheese Begins
The grilled cheese sandwich starts to gain popularity in the United States during the Great Depression, as a cheap and filling meal made with affordable ingredients.
World War II Era
The grilled cheese sandwich becomes a popular meal among soldiers during World War II. American soldiers consume it as a fast, easy, and tasty meal during the war.
Grilled Cheese in American Diners
Grilled cheese sandwiches become a staple menu item in American diners, solidifying their place in American food culture.

How to Celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day


Make a classic grilled cheese

Nothing beats a classic grilled cheese sandwich. Start by buttering two slices of bread, then adding your favorite cheese and grilling until golden brown. Enjoy!


Try an innovative twist

Switch it up with a unique take on the classic grilled cheese sandwich. Add some pesto or balsamic glaze, or try using different types of cheeses and breads. The possibilities are endless.


Organize a grilled cheese contest

Gather friends and family for a friendly competition—who can make the best grilled cheese sandwich? Have everyone bring their own ingredients and let the creativity flow.


Throw a grilled cheese party

Invite friends over for a night of fun with grilled cheese sandwiches! Set out ingredients and toppings, then have everyone create their own unique creations to enjoy.


Visit a local restaurant

Chances are there is a restaurant in your city that specializes in gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. Treat yourself to something special and celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day in style!

Why We Love National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day


Ultimate comfort food

Grilled cheese sandwiches remind us of having our moms make us grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch; then, being a little older and craving something warm, and deciding that grilled cheese counts as cooking.


They go well with everything

Grilled cheese and tomato soup is the most classic combination, but this sandwich seems to go well with everythinoup, salad, milkshakes — the salty sandwich makes any meal better.


They offer an opportunity to explore the cheese case

However it is set up – by texture, by country, by variety – that cheese case is your friend. Go through it systematically and make cheese combinations that will elevate your grilled cheese experience.

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day FAQs

When is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day?
National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day is celebrated annually on April 12th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Saturday.

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day Dates

Apr 12
Apr 12
Apr 12
Apr 12
Apr 12