June 1-30

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month

Get ready to savor the delicious flavors of summer with National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month - a perfect time to enjoy nature's bounty!

Yearly Date
June 1


Get ready for a month-long celebration of delicious and nutritious foods on National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, starting on June 1! This holiday was created to promote the importance of incorporating fresh produce into our diets for overall health and well-being. From juicy strawberries to crisp cucumbers, there is an endless variety of fruits and vegetables to enjoy during this special month. So let's embrace this opportunity to add more color and flavor to our meals while also supporting local farmers. Get ready for some tasty inspiration and let's celebrate together!

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month Timeline

Discovery of Nutritional Value of Fruits
In the late 1950s, scientists began discovering the specific vitamins and minerals contained in various fruits and vegetables, highlighting their importance in human diet.
Five-A-Day Program Launch
The National Cancer Institute and the Produce for Better Health Foundation initiated the Five-A-Day program urging Americans to consume at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day.
American Heart Association's Dietary Guidelines
American Heart Association released new dietary guidelines encouraging consumption of fruits and vegetables to reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases.
June declared as National Month
June was officially declared as National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
"MyPlate" Nutritional Guide Released
USDA released 'MyPlate', a new food pyramid emphasizing the importance of incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into daily meals.
Impact of Pandemic on Fresh Produce
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, people turned to healthier eating habits including increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables to boost immunity.

How to Celebrate National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month


Create a colorful fruit and vegetable platter

Gather a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and arrange them on a platter or in a fun, creative design. This is not only visually appealing, but it also encourages healthy snacking.


Visit a local farmer's market

Support local farmers and enjoy the freshest produce by visiting a farmer's market in your area. You can even make it a fun outing by bringing along friends or family.


Challenge yourself to try a new fruit or vegetable each day

Expand your taste buds by trying a new fruit or vegetable every day during the month. You may discover a new favorite!


Host a vegetarian cook-off

Get together with friends and have a friendly competition to see who can create the most delicious vegetarian dish using fresh fruits and vegetables.


Start a garden

Celebrate fresh produce all month long by starting your own garden. You'll have access to your own fresh fruits and vegetables all season long!

Why We Love National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month


It promotes a healthy lifestyle

Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, nutrients, and fiber that are important for our overall health and well-being. Celebrating National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month encourages people to incorporate more of these nutritious foods into their diets.


It's a chance to try new produce

With so many different types of fruits and vegetables available, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month is the perfect opportunity to try something new! You may discover a new favorite fruit or vegetable that you never would have otherwise tried.


Summer is the perfect season for fresh produce

June, which is when National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month takes place, marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. This means that there is an abundance of fresh, locally grown produce available at farmers' markets and grocery stores - making it easier than ever to participate in the festivities!

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month FAQs

When is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month?
National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month is celebrated annually throughout the month of June, and in 2025, it will begin on Sunday, June 1st, and conclude on Monday, June 30th.

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month Dates

Jun 1
Jun 1
Jun 1
Jun 1
Jun 1