March 9

National Get Over It Day

Time to let go of grudges and move on - join in on the fun for National Get Over It Day and start fresh with a positive mindset!

Yearly Date
March 9


Get ready to let go of any grudges or negative feelings because March 9 is National Get Over It Day! This day was created in 2005 by Jeff Goldblatt to remind us to not hold onto past hurts and move on with a positive attitude. Whether it's forgiving someone who has wronged you, letting go of a painful memory, or simply embracing a more optimistic mindset, this day encourages us all to release any negativity and focus on the present. So let's celebrate this day by saying "goodbye" to any burdens and "hello" to a happier and healthier mind!

National Get Over It Day Timeline

National Get Over It Day Creation
The holiday was first created by Jeff Goldblatt in 2005 to help people let go of past hurts and resentments.
First Community Celebrations
In 2006, communities across the United States started to organize events and activities to observe National Get Over It Day.
Online Recognition and Spread
By 2010, the holiday is recognized on many internet calendars and starts getting shared primarily via social media.
Media Coverage Increases
Various publications and media outlets start acknowledging the holiday and how it encourages positive mental health practices.
Global Observance of the Day
As of 2020, National Get Over It Day is observed globally as people from different parts of the world participate in the holiday via social media.

How to Celebrate National Get Over It Day


Organize a "Let It Go" party

Invite some friends over and have a "Let It Go" party where everyone can let go of any negative feelings or grudges they may be holding onto. Have some fun activities planned, like burning old photos or writing down negative thoughts and then ripping them up.


Treat yourself to something special

Take this day as an opportunity to treat yourself to something special, whether it's a spa day, a shopping spree, or just spending quality time doing something you love. Use this day to focus on self-care and letting go of any negative emotions.


Write a letter of forgiveness

If there's someone you need to forgive in order to get over it, take this day to write them a letter expressing your forgiveness. This can be a therapeutic way to let go of any lingering negative feelings and move on.


Have a game night

Gather some friends or family members and have a game night! This can be a fun and lighthearted way to celebrate National Get Over It Day and remind yourself not to take things too seriously.


Start a gratitude journal

Take this day to focus on the positive things in your life by starting a gratitude journal. Write down at least five things you are grateful for each day, and refer back to it whenever you need a reminder to let go of negative emotions.

Why We Love National Get Over It Day


It's a reminder to let go of grudges

National Get Over It Day is the perfect opportunity to leave behind any anger, resentment, or bitterness towards someone or something. It serves as a reminder that holding onto grudges only harms ourselves in the end.


It promotes forgiveness and healing

By embracing National Get Over It Day, we are encouraged to forgive those who have wronged us and ultimately find healing from past hurts. It allows for a fresh start and a chance to move forward with a positive mindset.


It helps us focus on the present

Instead of dwelling on the past, National Get Over It Day reminds us to live in the present moment. It encourages us to let go of things that are out of our control and focus on what we can do in the here and now.

National Get Over It Day FAQs

When is National Get Over It Day?
National Get Over It Day is observed each year on March 9th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Sunday.

National Get Over It Day Dates

Mar 9
Mar 9
Mar 9
Mar 9
Mar 9