January 13

​National Gluten-Free Day

Celebrate National Gluten-Free Day and show your support - with delicious recipes, amazing products, and great discounts!

Yearly Date
Second Monday in January


Mark your calendars for National Gluten-Free Day, celebrated on the second Monday of January each year! This special day was created to raise awareness of Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance. Although a gluten-free diet isn't required by everyone, this holiday is a great opportunity to enjoy some delicious gluten-free recipes and learn more about how avoiding foods containing wheat, barley and rye can benefit those with an allergy or intolerance. Let's celebrate this day by indulging in some tasty treats without the worry of discomfort later!

​National Gluten-Free Day Timeline

Investigations Into Gluten
Researchers began examining the role of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, in gut health and celiac disease during the 1950s and 60s.
Celiac Disease Awareness
Awareness and diagnosis of celiac disease increased, bringing attention to the need for gluten-free diet options.
Gluten-Free Products Emerge
With growing awareness of gluten sensitivities and celiac disease, companies began introducing gluten-free product alternatives in the marketplace.
Gluten Free Certification Organization (GFCO)
The Gluten Free Certification Organization was established to ensure the quality and safety of gluten-free products.
FDA Gluten-Free Labels
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) implemented new regulations for labels on gluten-free food items for better consumer protection.
Establishment of National Gluten-Free Day
National Gluten-Free Day was created to honor those who suffer from celiac disease and encourage more gluten-free options, celebrated annually on the second Monday in January.

How to Celebrate ​National Gluten-Free Day


Bake gluten-free treats

Make your own special treats using gluten-free ingredients. Try out some recipes you find online, or create your own!


Visit a gluten-free cafe

Check out a local cafe that specializes in gluten-free items. Enjoy a delicious meal and support the local business.


Invite friends over for a gluten-free dinner party

Plan a dinner party with friends that features several gluten-free dishes. Show them how tasty and fun gluten-free food can be.


Go to a farmers market

Visit a local farmers market and buy some fresh fruits and vegetables to make a delicious gluten-free meal.


Read up on gluten-free diets

Take the day to learn more about the benefits of going gluten free. Read books, blogs, or articles to gain insight into this lifestyle.

Why ​National Gluten-Free Day is Important


Gluten-free helps those with celiac disease

Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the small intestine, causing it to be unable to properly digest gluten. People with celiac have to follow a strict gluten free diet in order to stay safe and healthy, so having access to readily available gluten free food and resources is essential!


Gluten-free foods are healthier

Most gluten free foods are made with natural ingredients that are free of preservatives and artificial flavorings. This means that they're usually much healthier than their gluten containing counterparts. If you're looking for a way to cut down on processed carbs or unhealthy fats, eating gluten free might be a great option for you!


Gluten-free has become more accessible

Thanks to the rise in popularity of gluten free diets, many restaurants and grocery stores now offer an extensive selection of gluten free food items. You no longer have to search high and low for specialty products - chances are, your favorite store stocks up on delicious gluten free options!

​National Gluten-Free Day FAQs

When is ​National Gluten-Free Day?
National Gluten-Free Day is celebrated annually on the second Monday in January, and in 2025, this observance will take place on January 13th, which falls on a Monday.

​National Gluten-Free Day Dates

Jan 9
Jan 8
Jan 13
Jan 12
Jan 11