January 13

National Rubber Ducky Day

Celebrate National Rubber Ducky Day with a splash! Get ready for some fun-filled water games, rubber duck races and other activities.

Yearly Date
January 13


Get ready to celebrate National Rubber Ducky Day on January 13! This special day has been around since the late 1970s and is a celebration of everyone's favorite bathtime companion; the rubber duck. Originally invented in 1929 by a man named Peter Ganine, rubber ducks have become a beloved toy for both children and adults alike. So get out there and make some bubbles in honor of this wacky holiday!

National Rubber Ducky Day Timeline

19th Century
Rubber Duck Inception
Rubber ducks were conceptualized and developed as a toy in the late 19th century with the advent of rubber production.
Iconic Yellow Rubber Duck
The iconic yellow rubber duck became popular in the United States after World War II, becoming a symbol of childhood bath times.
Debut on Sesame Street
The rubber duck was immortalized on Sesame Street as the favorite toy of Ernie, one of the show's main characters.
Rubber Duck Races
The Great British Duck Race, where tens of thousands of rubber ducks are released into the River Thames, began as a charity event in London.
World's Largest Rubber Duck
The world's largest rubber duck, created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, began touring the world, heightening awareness and appreciation for the iconic toy.

How to Celebrate National Rubber Ducky Day


Host a rubber ducky race

Gather some friends and family, head to a stream or river, and have a rubber ducky race! Have each person decorate their own duck and let them race down the stream. Make sure to pick winners for best decorated duck, fastest duck, etc.


Organize a rubber ducky hunt

Hide rubber ducks around your house or neighborhood and organize a scavenger hunt for the kids. Offer prizes for those who find the most ducks or offer clues that lead to different locations where ducks can be found. The possibilities are endless!


Enjoy a rubber ducky picnic

Gather up some of your favorite food, grab a blanket, and head to your local park for a rubber ducky themed picnic. Be sure to bring along some plastic ducks as decorations and even incorporate them into the food – from cupcakes to sandwiches.


Make a rubber ducky craft

Get creative with some supplies from the craft store – felt, fabric paint, pipe cleaners, etc. – and make your own rubber ducky craft. Whether it’s a wall hanging, pillow cover, or something else entirely – get creative and show off your work!

Why We Love National Rubber Ducky Day


Rubber Duckies are Cute

Everyone loves rubber duckies! Whether they're in the shape of traditional yellow ducks or dressed up in fun outfits, rubber duckies are just so darn cute. They are a fun and whimsical way to liven up any bathtub or pool area.


Rubber Duckies are Affordable

You don't have to break the bank to show your love for rubber duckies. You can often purchase inexpensive rubber duckies at your local dollar store. Or, if you want something special, there's plenty of online stores that sell unique and handmade rubber duckies.


Rubber Duckies can be Collected

If you're looking to start a new hobby, consider collecting rubber ducks! There's tons of rare and hard to find rubber duckies out there that make perfect additions to any collection. Plus, it's such a great feeling when you finally track down that elusive duck you've been searching for!

National Rubber Ducky Day FAQs

When is National Rubber Ducky Day?
National Rubber Ducky Day is celebrated every year on January 13, and in 2025, it will fall on a Monday.

National Rubber Ducky Day Dates

Jan 13
Jan 13
Jan 13
Jan 13
Jan 13