May 16

National Love a Tree Day

Celebrate National Love a Tree Day and help make the world greener - plant a tree, care for an existing one, or join an environmental group!

Yearly Date
May 16


Celebrate National Love a Tree Day on May 16 and show your appreciation for the planet's most vital resource! The day was created to raise awareness about the importance of trees in our environment, so why not spend some time connecting with nature by visiting a local park or forest? Whether you choose to hug a tree, take photos of its beauty, or just sit back and enjoy its shade - don't forget to give it an extra special hug in honor of this day.

National Love a Tree Day Timeline

Early Environmentalism
The 19th century marked the beginning of a newfound appreciation for nature and conservation, setting the stage for appreciation holidays like National Love a Tree Day.
First National Park
Yellowstone National Park is established as the world's first national park, highlighting the significance of natural preservation.
First Earth Day
The first Earth Day is celebrated, leading to increased environmental awareness and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Seeds of Celebration
Arbor Day Foundation is established to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees, a cause closely related to National Love a Tree Day.
Early 2000s
National Love a Tree Day Origins
National Love a Tree Day starts to be observed in the United States, celebrating the invaluable contribution of trees to our ecosystem.
Ongoing Celebration
People across the world celebrate National Love a Tree Day every May 16, promoting environmental awareness and love for nature.

How to Celebrate National Love a Tree Day


Plant a Tree

One of the most meaningful ways to celebrate National Love a Tree Day is to plant a tree. Planting a tree is an investment in the future and it's a great way to honor and respect nature.


Go for a Nature Walk

Take some time out of your day to enjoy the beauty of nature by going for a walk in a nearby park or forest. This will help you appreciate trees and all the wonderful things they do for us.


Read About Trees

Learn more about trees by reading books, articles, and blogs about them. You can also watch documentaries or take classes on trees to gain greater knowledge and appreciation of them.


Volunteer at a Tree Planting Event

There are many organizations that host tree planting events throughout the year. Look up local events near you and volunteer your time to help make these events successful.


Donate to an Environmental Charity

Donating money to an environmental charity helps support their efforts in protecting and preserving trees and other natural resources. Research charities that focus on trees and other areas of conservation.

Why National Love a Tree Day is Important


Trees clean the air

Trees are natural air filters and can absorb harmful pollutants. This helps to improve the quality of the air we breathe, making it safer and healthier for us. By planting trees, you can help keep our air clean and free of dangerous toxins!


Trees provide habitat for wildlife

Trees provide a home and food sources for many species of birds, insects and other animals. Without them, these creatures would be unable to survive - so by planting trees, you're helping to ensure that they have a safe place to live and thrive!


Trees help fight climate change

Trees act as 'carbon sinks', capturing CO2 from the atmosphere and turning it into oxygen. The more trees there are in an area, the less greenhouse gases are present in the environment - so by planting trees, you're helping to reduce global warming!

National Love a Tree Day FAQs

When is National Love a Tree Day?
National Love a Tree Day is celebrated annually on May 16th, and in 2025, this appreciation for nature will fall on a Friday.

National Love a Tree Day Dates

May 16
May 16
May 16
May 16
May 16