December 6

National Microwave Oven Day

Celebrate National Microwave Oven Day with delicious meals cooked in minutes! Get creative and explore the limitless possibilities of your microwave oven.

Yearly Date
December 6


Celebrate National Microwave Oven Day on December 6 by enjoying the delicious foods you can make in a flash! This day was created to recognize the invention of the microwave oven, which has revolutionized how we prepare and enjoy food. From pre-packaged meals to leftovers, microwaving your food is an easy and convenient way to get that hot meal without all of the fuss. So grab your favorite dish and pop it into your trusty microwave – happy cooking!

National Microwave Oven Day Timeline

Microwave Oven Discovery
Engineer Percy Spencer, while working on an active radar for Raytheon, accidentally discovers microwave cooking when a chocolate bar in his pocket melts.
First Microwave Patent
Percy Spencer and Raytheon file the first patent for a microwave oven, named the Radarange, which was a microwave producing box.
Radarange Becomes Commercial
The commercial model of Radarange, now smaller and cheaper, hits the market, first used mostly in restaurants and hotels.
Consumer Microwave Released
Amana, a subsidiary of Raytheon, releases the first consumer model of the microwave oven, called the Amana Radarange, revolutionizing cooking at home.
Microwave Surpasses Gas
Sales of microwave ovens exceed those of gas ranges, marking a shift in cooking trends and popularity of the appliance.
Microwaves in Most Homes
Microwave ovens are now found in roughly 90% of American households, solidifying their place in kitchens across the country.

How to Celebrate National Microwave Oven Day


Make a gourmet meal

You can make a delicious gourmet meal in the microwave. Check out some of your favorite recipes online and turn your microwave into a five star kitchen.


Try out new dishes

Discover some unique dishes that you can make in the microwave. There are lots of interesting recipes that you can try to make with your oven. Don't be afraid to experiment!


Experiment with different ingredients

Mix up some of your favorite ingredients and see what kind of recipes you can come up with. You might be surprised at what you can do with your microwave oven.


Have a microwave oven cooking contest

Organize a cooking contest among friends or family and see who can come up with the most creative dishes made in the microwave oven.


Share your recipes

Have fun creating and sharing your own microwave oven recipes on social media or with friends.

Why We Love National Microwave Oven Day


Microwave ovens are convenient

Having a microwave oven in the kitchen makes life so much easier. You can quickly and easily heat up leftovers, make popcorn, or melt cheese. Plus, it's a great time saver when you're in a hurry - just pop your food into the microwave and minutes later you have a hot, tasty meal that requires no clean up!


Microwave ovens are energy efficient

Not only is using a microwave oven quick and convenient, but it also uses less energy than other cooking methods. So if you want to save some money and help the environment, switch out your traditional oven for a microwave.


Microwave ovens can be used for more than just reheating leftovers

The capabilities of the modern microwave don't stop at heating up last night's dinner. They can be used to steam vegetables, bake potatoes, cook bacon and eggs, and even make homemade pizza! So whether you're looking for a quick snack or a full meal, the possibilities with microwaves are endless.

National Microwave Oven Day Dates

Dec 6
Dec 6
Dec 6
Dec 6
Dec 6