December 6

National Miners Day

Honor the brave miners this National Miners Day with a moment of silence and appreciation for their hard work and sacrifice!

Yearly Date
December 6


Celebrate National Miners Day on December 6 and show your appreciation for all the miners who work hard to provide us with the resources we need. This day was first established in 2009 as a way of honoring the millions of miners around the world and recognizing their important role in our society. From coal mining to gold mining, these brave individuals risk their lives every day so that we can have access to essential materials. So let's take this opportunity to thank them for everything they do!

National Miners Day Timeline

Mining Boom in U.S.
During the 19th century, the mining industry boomed in the United States with the discovery of gold in California and coal in Appalachia.
Monongah Mining Disaster
In December 1907, a disastrous mining explosion occurred in Monongah, West Virginia, resulting in over 360 deaths, marking the worst mining accident in American history.
Formation of United Mine Workers
The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) was established to improve the working conditions and rights of miners across the U.S.
Prevention through Legislation
President Richard Nixon signed the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, which aimed to prevent mining accidents through regulations and safety standards.
First National Miners Day
The U.S. Senate officially designated December 6 as National Miners Day in honor of miners and to remember the Monongah mining disaster.

How to Celebrate National Miners Day


Attend a virtual museum tour

Visit an online museum dedicated to miners and their work. Learn about the history of mining and its impact on the world.


Host a movie night

Rent or stream a movie that features miners and their life stories. Pop some popcorn, gather with friends, and watch the film.


Write a thank you letter

Send a letter to your local mining company expressing your appreciation for their hard work and dedication to mining operations.


Organize a donation drive

Collect donations from your community and donate them to local miners in need. This is a great way to show your appreciation for the work they do.


Go on a hiking adventure

Follow in the footsteps of miners by taking a hike in an area known for its mining history. Visit abandoned mines, feel the power of nature, and appreciate the beauty that lies beneath the surface.

Why We Love National Miners Day


Miners are essential to our economy

From gold, to diamonds, to copper, miners play an integral role in extracting the earth's natural resources that we use in our everyday lives. By honoring National Miners Day, we are celebrating and recognizing the hard work of those on the front lines of the mining industry!


Miners are brave & dedicated

Mining is a highly dangerous job, yet miners continue to go down into the depths of the earth without fear. They work long hours, under extreme conditions and with minimal safety equipment, all for the sake of providing us with essential materials. National Miners Day is the perfect time to recognize their commitment and bravery.


Miners help build strong communities

In addition to providing resources for our needs, miners also help build strong communities by bringing much needed jobs and revenue to local economies. Their presence allows small towns and villages to flourish and gives rise to a vibrant local culture.

National Miners Day FAQs

When is National Miners Day?
National Miners Day is observed annually on December 6th, and in 2025, it falls on a Saturday.

National Miners Day Dates

Dec 6
Dec 6
Dec 6
Dec 6
Dec 6