June 27

National Onion Day

Celebrate National Onion Day with the best recipes, tips, and tricks for cooking up delicious dishes with onions!

Yearly Date
June 27


Get ready to celebrate National Onion Day on June 27 with some mouth-watering dishes! Onions have been around for thousands of years and are a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different types of cuisines. They've even been mentioned in the Bible as one of the seven species found in Israel! So why not show your love for onions by cooking up something special this National Onion Day?

National Onion Day Timeline

3000 BC
Onion Cultivation Begins
Onions were one of the earliest cultivated crops due to their ability to grow in diverse climates.
Onions Travel to America
Onions were brought to America by European settlers and quickly became a staple in the new culinary world.
Industrial Growth of Onions
The industrial revolution brought about new farming technologies making onion growth more efficient on a large scale.
Vidalia Onions Brought to Market
In the mid to late 1950s, Vidalia onions, well known for their sweet flavor, were brought from Georgia to markets nationally.
National Onion Association Founded
The National Onion Association was founded to promote the consumption of onions in the US.
First National Onion Day
The first National Onion Day was observed in 2016 to honor and promote the culinary significance of onions.

How to Celebrate National Onion Day


Make an onion-based dish

Whether you're making a French onion soup, a caramelized onion tart, or an onion and goat cheese pizza, onions make for a delicious main or side dish.


Visit an onion farm

Take the time to learn more about where your onions come from and visit an onion farm near you. You can take part in activities such as harvesting, packing, sorting and loading.


Host an Onion Day party

Invite your friends over for a fun day of onion themed activities and food. Have everyone bring their favorite onion dish to share. Consider having an onion eating contest or decorating competition.


Eat at an all-onion restaurant

If you’re feeling adventurous, try out an all-onion restaurant. These restaurants have dishes that range from sweet to savory and are sure to tantalize your taste buds.


Make Onion Day crafts

Get creative with some art projects using onions as the main ingredient. Try making paper mache onions, onion stamps, and onion headbands.

Why We Love National Onion Day


Onions are nutritious

Onions are an excellent source of nutrition. They're packed full of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and potassium. Plus, they contain a healthy dose of dietary fiber to keep your digestive system happy!


Onions add flavor to any dish

Onions are one of the most versatile ingredients in cooking. Whether they're diced or sliced, raw or cooked, onions can take any dish from dull to delightful with their sweet and savory flavor. Plus, their mild, pungent aroma adds an extra depth of flavor to your meals.


Onions are great for home gardening

Growing onions is a great way to get fresh produce right from your own backyard! Onions are easy to grow and will thrive in many soil types. Plus, harvesting and storing them is a breeze - just tie them together by the tops and hang them in a cool, dry place until ready to use!

National Onion Day FAQs

When is National Onion Day?
National Onion Day is celebrated annually on June 27th, and in 2025, it falls on a Friday.

National Onion Day Dates

Jun 27
Jun 27
Jun 27
Jun 27
Jun 27