April 6-13

National Robotics Week

Unleash your inner techie in National Robotics Week! Explore the world of AI and marvel at the latest in cutting-edge robotics.



Calling all tech-lovers! National Robotics Week begins on April 6 and it's time to dive into the incredible world of artificial intelligence and robotics! Initiated in 2010 by the United States Congress, this futuristic week aims to inspire students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and promote the importance of robotics in education. As we celebrate this incredible week, let's immerse ourselves in the magical fusion of creativity and technology, showcasing fantastic innovation and providing a glimpse of the remarkable robotic future that awaits us! So gear up and embark on a captivating journey exploring the cutting-edge of robotics!

National Robotics Week Timeline

Coining of "Robot"
Czech writer Karel Čapek introduced the term "robot" in his play "R.U.R" (Rossum's Universal Robots).
First Industrial Robot
Unimate, the first industrial robot, was introduced into the manufacturing industry, marking a significant leap in automation.
AI Beats Chess Champion
IBM's Deep Blue becomes the first AI computer to defeat a reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov.
Robotic Pets Enter Market
Sony releases Aibo, the robotic pet dog, highlighting the growing presence of robots in everyday life.
National Robotics Week Initiated
The United States Congress initiates National Robotics Week to inspire students in STEM fields and emphasize the significance of robotics in education.

How to Celebrate National Robotics Week


Build a simple robot

Nothing can prop up the spirit of National Robotics Week like building your own robot. Invest in a robotics kit that comes with easy, step-by-step instructions and watch science in action right in your living room.


Join a robotics workshop

They say knowledge is best gained with others. Sign up for a local or virtual robotics workshop during this week, where you can learn from experts and collaborate with like-minded enthusiasts.


Share the excitement

Share your robotic creations or knowledge with your friends and family. Get younger siblings, nieces, nephews, or kids interested in robotics by teaching them the basics in a fun and engaging way.


Watch robotic-themed movies

Curl up with some popcorn and enjoy some classic and modern movies featuring robots. From Wall-E to The Iron Giant, these films can provide inspiration and spark conversational discussions about robotics.


Donate to robotics education

If you can, consider donating to nonprofits or schools in your local community that promote robotics education. These organizations are playing a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of science and technology, and shaping the innovators of tomorrow.

Why We Love National Robotics Week


National Robotics Week sparks curiosity

This special week is designed to pique interest and curiosity in the field of robotics. It gives everyone, young and old, a chance to learn about, build and interact with robots! It's not every day you get to dive into the world of AI and marvel at the latest technological advances.


International Robotics Week encourages STEM education

An important part of this week is fostering and promoting a strong scientific and technology-based education. By involving students in exciting hands-on activities, it encourages a love for science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) fields and may even inspire the next generation of innovators.


National Robotics Week is fun

Without a doubt, National Robotics Week adds an element of fun to learning. Building your own robot or watching robotic-themed movies are just a few ways that this week combines education with entertainment, keeping us engaged and eager to learn more about robots and their vast potential.