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It's National Save Your Hearing Day - protect your hearing by wearing ear protection and turning down the volume on your devices!
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It's time to protect your hearing and reduce your risk of hearing loss with National Save Your Hearing Day on May 31! This day was created to remind people of the importance of protecting their hearing, and it has been celebrated since 1999. Whether you're listening to music, attending a loud concert, or using power tools, it's important to take steps to protect your ears from harmful noise levels. There are plenty of simple ways you can do this, such as wearing earplugs or limiting the amount of time you spend in noisy environments. So join us in celebrating National Save Your Hearing Day and make sure that you cherish your hearing health!
When in loud environments, wearing earplugs is a great way to protect your hearing. Earplugs come in different sizes and shapes, so make sure to find ones that fit comfortably and are rated for the noise level you will be exposed to.
When listening to music or watching TV, keep the volume at a moderate level. Keep the volume at a lower level if you are using headphones or earbuds, as they direct sound directly into your ears.
If you find yourself in a particularly noisy environment, take regular breaks so that you can give your ears a rest from the loud sounds.
Having your hearing checked regularly is important in order to catch any hearing loss early on and to ensure that your ears are functioning properly.
Learning about how noise can affect your hearing can help you stay informed and make better decisions when it comes to protecting your hearing.
According to the World Health Organization, more than 5% of the world’s population – or 466 million people - have disabling hearing loss. Furthermore, 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 years old suffer from some degree of hearing impairment, and this number is expected to double by 2050.
A important part of preserving your hearing health is protecting yourself from loud noises. Unprotected exposure to sounds exceeding 85 decibels can cause permanent damage to your ears and even lead to complete hearing loss. That's why it's so important that we recognize National Save Your Hearing Day!
Protecting your hearing health doesn't have to be difficult. There are simple steps you can take such as wearing ear plugs or protective headphones when listening to music or using power tools, limiting your exposure to loud environments like concerts and sporting events, and getting regular checkups with an audiologist.