March 23

Near Miss Day

Don't miss out on celebrating Near Miss Day - a day to reflect on close calls and appreciate the gift of life!

Yearly Date
March 23


Get ready to commemorate Near Miss Day on March 23, a day that celebrates a series of near misses in the history of humanity. On this day in 1989, an asteroid passed by Earth at a distance of just 500,000 miles, which is considered a "near miss" in astronomical terms. This holiday serves as a reminder to appreciate our planet and the close calls that have shaped its history. It's also a great opportunity to reflect on our own lives and the close calls we've experienced. So let's celebrate Near Miss Day with gratitude and wonder for all the near misses that have kept us safe and changed the course of history.

Near Miss Day Timeline

Tunguska Event
A large meteoroid exploded over Siberia, flattening about 80 million trees over an area of 2,000 square kilometers, in a near miss for populated areas.
Hiroshima/Nagasaki Near Misses
Thousands narrowly escaped the disastrous atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II – their stories are examples of incredible near misses.
Cuban Missile Crisis
The world narrowly escaped a nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which is considered one of history's most notable near misses.
Asteroid's Near-Earth Pass
An asteroid nearly 300 meters in diameter came within 500,000 miles of striking Earth, giving birth to Near Miss Day.
Tsunami Warning Miss
An earthquake off Sumatra triggered a devastating tsunami that killed an estimated 230,000 people across 14 countries. The lack of a proper warning system was a crucial near miss in preventing the disaster.
Chelyabinsk Meteor
A meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia causing significant damage and injuries but narrowly missed a catastrophic ground impact.

How to Celebrate Near Miss Day


Celebrate your near misses

Take some time to reflect on the near misses in your life and be grateful for the positive outcomes. Share your experiences with others and spread awareness for Near Miss Day.


Create a safety plan

Use Near Miss Day as a reminder to review and update your safety plans, whether it be at home or in the workplace. Take necessary precautions to prevent any potential near misses in the future.


Organize a safety workshop

Gather friends, family, or coworkers and organize a safety workshop to educate others on the importance of recognizing and preventing near misses. Share tips and strategies for staying safe and avoiding accidents.


Host a "lucky" themed party

Celebrate the luck of escaping near misses by hosting a "lucky" themed party. Encourage guests to wear green or bring lucky charms to the party and share stories of their own near miss experiences.


Donate to a safety organization

Show your support for safety and accident prevention by donating to a reputable safety organization on Near Miss Day. Your contribution can make a difference in raising awareness and preventing future near misses.

Why We Love Near Miss Day


It reminds us to appreciate life

Near Miss Day is a day to reflect on our close calls and near-misses in life. It serves as a reminder to take a step back and appreciate the preciousness of life and how lucky we are to still be here.


It encourages us to be more cautious

When we hear stories of near misses, it can make us more aware of our own actions and encourage us to be more cautious. Whether it's driving carefully or taking extra safety precautions, Near Miss Day reminds us that sometimes we need to slow down and prioritize safety.


It's a chance for reflection and growth

Remembering past near misses can also inspire personal growth and change. Perhaps it's realizing the value of loved ones, or making a commitment to live life more fully. Whatever it may be, Near Miss Day allows us to reflect on our experiences and make positive changes for the future.

Near Miss Day Dates

Mar 23
Mar 23
Mar 23
Mar 23
Mar 23