April 25

Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Let's raise awareness for Parental Alienation on this important day. It's time to recognize and address the damaging effects it has on families.

Yearly Date
April 25


Get ready to raise awareness and show support for Parental Alienation on April 25, also known as Parental Alienation Awareness Day! This day was first recognized in Canada in 2006 and has since spread to other countries around the world. It aims to shed light on the harmful effects of parental alienation - when a child is manipulated or influenced against one parent by the other - and promotes healthy co-parenting relationships. Let's use this day to educate others and work towards creating a more harmonious environment for families everywhere.

Parental Alienation Awareness Day Timeline

Parental Alienation Concept
The concept of parental alienation, referring to a situation where a child becomes estranged from a parent as the result of the psychological manipulation of another parent, becomes more widely recognized by psychologists.
First Parental Alienation Awareness Day
The first Parental Alienation Awareness Day is recognized in Canada, aiming to raise public awareness of the issue.
International Recognition
Parental Alienation Awareness Day gains wider international recognition as other countries begin to commemorate the day.
Advocacy and Support Groups Formed
Numerous advocacy and support groups are formed worldwide, offering resources and help for families affected by parental alienation.
Increased Psychological Research
Psychologists and researchers further study the harmful effects of parental alienation, leading to more awareness and understanding of the issue.

How to Celebrate Parental Alienation Awareness Day


Create a social media campaign

Spread awareness about parental alienation by creating a social media campaign. Share facts and personal stories about parental alienation using hashtags like #ParentalAlienationAwarenessDay or #PAAwarenessDay.


Host a panel discussion or workshop

Organize a panel of experts or a workshop to educate others about the impact of parental alienation on families. This can be held in person or virtually and can also include personal testimonies from those affected by parental alienation.


Wear purple for awareness

Purple is the color associated with Parental Alienation Awareness Day. Encourage others to wear purple and share pictures on social media to show support for the cause.


Create and distribute informational flyers

Design and distribute flyers with information about parental alienation and how to recognize and prevent it. These can be handed out in public places or shared online.


Organize a fundraiser for a related organization

Support organizations that work towards preventing and addressing parental alienation by organizing a fundraiser. This can be a charity walk, bake sale, or any other event that helps raise funds for the cause.

Why Parental Alienation Awareness Day is Important


It brings attention to a serious issue

Parental Alienation Awareness Day shines a light on the damaging effects of parental alienation on families. By acknowledging this day, we can bring attention to the issue and work towards finding solutions and support for those affected.


It raises awareness and education about parental alienation

Many people are not aware of what parental alienation is or how it can affect families. By promoting awareness and education about this issue, we can help prevent it from happening and provide support to those who have experienced it.


It encourages healing and reconciliation

Parental Alienation Awareness Day is also an opportunity to promote healing and reconciliation among estranged family members. By bringing attention to the harm caused by parental alienation, we can encourage individuals to seek help and work towards repairing damaged relationships.

Parental Alienation Awareness Day FAQs

When is Parental Alienation Awareness Day?
Parental Alienation Awareness Day is observed annually on April 25th, and in 2025, it will take place on a Friday.

Parental Alienation Awareness Day Dates

Apr 25
Apr 25
Apr 25
Apr 25
Apr 25