April 25

World Penguin Day

It's World Penguin Day! Show your appreciation for these amazing creatures by learning more about them and supporting their conservation efforts.

Yearly Date
April 25


Prepare to celebrate the cutest creatures on the planet with World Penguin Day on April 25! This special day was created in memory of the first successful scientific expedition to Antarctica, which started on this day in 1820. Penguins have been around for millions of years and can live in both fresh and salt water environments. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the largest Emperor penguin to the smallest Little Blue penguin. So get ready for an unforgettable celebration full of fun facts about our beloved waddling friends!

World Penguin Day Timeline

First Antarctic Expedition
The first successful scientific expedition to Antarctica commences, setting the stage for extensive research on the continent's native species, including penguins.
Penguin Conservation Initiatives
Some of the first significant penguin conservation initiatives are officially established, particularly focusing on areas in New Zealand and Antarctica.
Roald Amundsen's Expedition
Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen leads an expedition to the South Pole, bringing global attention to Antarctica and its penguin populations.
Adélie Penguin Study
Scientists publish one of the first comprehensive studies on Adélie penguins, contributing significantly to our understanding of penguin behavior, diet, and habitat.
March of the Penguins Release
Award-winning documentary March of the Penguins is released, sparking worldwide interest and appreciation for Emperor penguins.
Virtual Penguin Reality
Using VR technology, scientists find a way to study penguins in their natural habitats without causing distress, showcasing how technology can aid in our understanding and conservation of these birds.

How to Celebrate World Penguin Day


Adopt a penguin

There are many organizations that offer the chance to adopt a penguin as a symbolic gesture, and your donation helps support penguin conservation efforts.


Visit a local aquarium

Most local aquariums have some type of exhibit featuring penguins, so take a trip to one and learn more about these amazing birds.


Go on a virtual tour

Take a virtual tour of various places around the world where wild penguins can be found, such as Antarctica, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.


Host a movie night

Gather some friends and family for a movie night featuring movies about penguins, such as Happy Feet, March of the Penguins, or Surf's Up.


Make some art

Get creative and make some art in honor of World Penguin Day. Paintings, sculptures, drawings, and even origami are all great ways to celebrate these amazing birds.

Why We Love World Penguin Day


Penguins are adorable

Who doesn't love the sight of a cute, waddling penguin? With their brightly colored feathers and big eyes, it's hard to resist their cuteness. Plus, they have some really quirky behavior like tobogganing on their bellies and hopping from rock to rock - it's certainly something to make you smile!


Penguins have unique adaptations

These amazing creatures are well adapted to living in cold climates. They have thick layers of blubber and streamlined bodies that help keep them warm and conserve energy as they swim through icy waters. Plus, they can stay underwater for up to an hour while hunting for food!


Penguins are highly social animals

Much like humans, penguins live in large colonies and form strong bonds with others of their kind. They communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations and gestures, showing affection for one another through displays of body language. It truly is beautiful to watch!

World Penguin Day FAQs

When is World Penguin Day?
World Penguin Day is celebrated annually on April 25th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Friday.

World Penguin Day Dates

Apr 25
Apr 25
Apr 25
Apr 25
Apr 25