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Celebrate Plant Power Day by eating more plants - explore tasty plant-based recipes and enjoy the amazing health benefits of a vegan lifestyle!
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Celebrate the power of plants on Plant Power Day on March 7! This day is a time to recognize the amazing benefits that plants have for us, and to appreciate all they do. Plants provide food, fuel, oxygen and medicines - just some of the ways we rely on them in our everyday lives. They also give us shelter, help reduce erosion, protect against climate change and make beautiful landscapes!
Start your own garden with some of your favorite plants. If you're feeling adventurous, try some new plants that you have never grown before. You can start from seed or buy small starters to get your garden going.
Planting a tree is a great way to show your love for plant power. Make sure you research the type of tree best suited for your climate and location. Give your tree plenty of water and watch it grow!
Take the time to experiment with different plant-based recipes. Expand your culinary horizons by trying out plant-based dishes like vegan chili, stir fry, or veggie burgers.
Check out the local botanical gardens in your area to get in touch with nature and observe the amazing variety of plants. Take a stroll through the gardens and take lots of pictures along the way.
Share photos on social media of yourself celebrating Plant Power Day. This is a great way to spread awareness about the importance of plants and their vital role in our lives.
Eating a plant-based diet is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint and help protect our planet. Plant-based foods require far fewer resources to produce, so you can feel good about helping the environment while still enjoying delicious meals!
Getting your recommended daily servings of vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains is much easier when you're focusing on plants! Plant-based diets are full of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals that will keep you feeling healthy and energized all day long.
The great thing about plant-based eating is that you don't have to sacrifice taste for health benefits! There are so many creative recipes out there that use only natural, wholesome ingredients - so satisfy your cravings with nutritious plant power!