October 2

Rosh Hashanah

Welcome a sweet New Year with Rosh Hashanah! Indulge in traditional treats and reflect on past year's growth while stepping towards the future.



Mark your calendars for a special celebration on October 2, Rosh Hashanah! The importance of this holiday can be traced back over thousands of years to Jewish tradition. It's the Jewish New Year—a time for reflection, renewal, and resolution. Rosh Hashanah is not just a turn of the Jewish calendar; it’s considered the birthday of the world in Judaism! It's a time to indulge in sweet traditional treats that symbolize a sweet year ahead, like honey-dipped apples and round Challah bread. So, let's embrace this spiritual celebration and welcome the New Year with warmth, joy and optimism! Your journey into the New Year just got a sweet start!

Rosh Hashanah Timeline

1313 BCE
Rosh Hashanah Origins
Traced back to biblical times, Rosh Hashanah is first mentioned in the book of Leviticus, marking it as a "day of sounding the Shofar."
539 BCE
Return from Babylonian Exile
Return of Jews from Babylonian exile marked a significant turning point in how Rosh Hashanah was celebrated, it became a time for self-examination and repentance.
Babylonian Influence
Influences from Babylonian culture led to the adoption of the name "Rosh Hashanah," meaning "Head of the Year."
Spread with Jewish Diaspora
As Jewish people spread across the globe during extensive diasporas, they took their traditions, including Rosh Hashanah, with them.
Customs and Traditions Formed
Throughout the 20th century, many traditions associated with Rosh Hashanah, including symbolic foods and customs, become solidified within Jewish communities worldwide.

How to Celebrate Rosh Hashanah


Craft a homemade shofar

The shofar, or ram's horn, is a central part of Rosh Hashanah celebrations. The noise it creates when blown symbolizes a wake-up call to repentance. Don't have a real shofar? You can make one out of a paper towel roll and some paint!


Bake apple-shaped challah

Give your usual challah a festive twist! Instead of the typical braid, shape your dough into an apple to represent the sweet year ahead. Consider adding raisins to the dough for a little extra sweetness.


Create a "Tashlich" ritual at home

Tashlich is the practice of casting off sins into a body of water. If you can't make it to a river or lake, bring this tradition home! Write down things you wish to let go of on bits of paper and dissolve them in a bowl of water.


Design a New Year's card

Spread the joy and optimism of Rosh Hashanah by designing a New Year's card for your friends and family. You can draw, paint or even use digital tools to create your masterpiece.


Hold a mini honey tasting

Honey is a key symbol of Rosh Hashanah, signifying hope for a sweet year ahead. Arrange a tasting session with an array of different honeys. You could even pair them with various types of apples!

Why Rosh Hashanah is Important


Rosh Hashanah allows for introspection

Rosh Hashanah is a time for reflection and renewal. It serves as a reminder to evaluate our personal growth in the past year and set goals for the future. Whether it's through attending religious services, listening to the shofar, or participating in the Tashlich ritual, this holiday encourages us to acknowledge our shortcomings and strive to improve.


It encourages creativity

Rosh Hashanah offers ample opportunity to express creativity and engage in hands-on activities. Whether it's crafting a homemade shofar, baking apple-shaped challah or designing New Year's cards, the traditional practices of the holiday encourage not only reverence but also creativity.


Emphasis on sweetness and hope

The traditional treats of Rosh Hashanah, particularly apples dipped in honey, symbolize the hope for a sweet and fruitful year ahead. This tradition, along with the warmth and joy that accompany the New Year, imbues Rosh Hashanah with a unique positivity and optimism.