June 21

World Day of Music

Take part in the global celebration of music on World Day of Music - tune into your favorite songs and show off your musical talents!

Yearly Date
June 21


Ready to celebrate music around the world? Mark your calendars for World Day of Music on June 21! This special day was created to bring people together in celebration of music from all corners of the globe. Whether you’re a fan of classical, jazz, rock and roll, or hip-hop, this is the day to show off your musical tastes and join in on the fun. It's also a great opportunity to discover new music and learn about different cultures that have shaped our rich musical history. So get ready to strike up a tune and enjoy World Day of Music!

World Day of Music Timeline

Creation of Music Day
American musician Joel Cohen proposed an all-night music celebration during summer solstice, a tradition that would later inspire the creation of World Day of Music.
French Minister of Culture Endorsement
French Minister of Culture, Jack Lang, endorsed the idea of a day-long musical celebration on the day of the summer solstice.
First Fête de la Musique
France held its first Fête de la Musique, a free public event that encouraged anyone to play music anywhere. The event was later renamed to World Day of Music.
UNESCO's Official Endorsement
UNESCO officially endorsed the music celebration, announcing it as World Day of Music, and encouraging countries around the globe to participate.
Worldwide Recognition
World Day of Music was celebrated in over 120 countries, including Germany, Italy, Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Vietnam, Congo, Cameroon, Mauritius, Fiji, Colombia, Chile, Nepal, and Japan.

How to Celebrate World Day of Music


Attend a music festival

Head to your local music festival and experience all the different types of music that are out there. From rock, to jazz, to hip hop, you're sure to find something that you like.


Sing karaoke

Grab a group of friends and head to your local karaoke spot for some singing and dancing fun. You never know what kind of surprises you'll find when someone grabs the mic.


Create a playlist

Gather up some of your favorite songs and create a playlist that celebrates World Day of Music. Share it with friends and family to spread the joy.


Learn an instrument

Sign up for a music lesson and learn how to play an instrument. From guitar to drums, you can pick up some new skills and make beautiful music.


Go to a concert

Check out your local listings for concerts near you and go experience the power of live music with friends and family. It's sure to be a memorable experience.

Why We Love World Day of Music


Music brings joy

Nothing quite compares to the feeling of lifting your spirits by listening to a song. Whether it's one of your favorites from the past or something completely new, music has a way of bringing joy and inspiring us all. So why not celebrate World Day of Music and let some music into your life?


Music connects us

Music has been used as a form of communication throughout history. It allows us to connect with people from around the globe - no matter their language, culture or beliefs. Celebrating World Day of Music can be a great way to bridge these gaps, create understanding and share our love for music!


Music promotes self-expression

Listening to and playing music provides an outlet for self-expression that goes beyond words. It gives us the chance to express ourselves in ways that are unique and meaningful - something we should never take for granted! Plus, it can help reduce stress, boost creativity and foster connection with others.

World Day of Music FAQs

When is World Day of Music?
World Day of Music is celebrated annually on June 21st, and in 2025, it will fall on a Saturday.

World Day of Music Dates

Jun 21
Jun 21
Jun 21
Jun 21
Jun 21