June 1-30

World Infertility Awareness Month

Join us in raising awareness for World Infertility Awareness Month - let's make a positive difference together!

Yearly Date
June 1


June 1 marks the beginning of World Infertility Awareness Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness about infertility and its effects on millions of people around the world. This special month was created in 2013 as an opportunity to give those affected by infertility a chance to share their stories and experiences, while also providing support and resources for those struggling with infertility. Throughout the month, people can join together to celebrate the successes that have been made in overcoming infertility, as well as work together for progress towards finding new solutions for this difficult condition.

World Infertility Awareness Month Timeline

First IVF Baby Born
Louise Brown, the world's first baby conceived via in vitro fertilization (IVF), is born in England, marking a major milestone in infertility treatment.
First Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
The first successful pregnancy using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a breakthrough technique in treating male infertility, is reported.
ICSI Becomes Regular Procedure
The use of ICSI becomes a regular procedure worldwide after the birth of thousands of babies using this method, offering hope to couples with male factor infertility.
World's First Ovary Transplant
The world's first successful whole ovary transplant is performed, expanding the possibilities for women experiencing infertility due to early menopause or other ovarian issues.
World Infertility Awareness Month Established
June 1 is recognized as the beginning of World Infertility Awareness Month, a campaign designed to raise global consciousness about infertility.
Scientific Advances in Infertility
Researchers report the development of a device that mimics the female reproductive tract and could provide new insights for treating infertility and other reproductive issues.

How to Celebrate World Infertility Awareness Month


Support an infertility organization

Look for an infertility organization that you can support financially. Many of these organizations provide invaluable resources and support to those dealing with infertility.


Start a conversation

Reach out to friends and family and start talking about infertility. Share stories, experiences, and resources to help spread awareness and understanding.



Look for ways to volunteer your time, whether it be fundraising for an infertility organization or helping out at a local fertility clinic.


Attend an awareness event

Find an event in your area that focuses on infertility awareness. There are usually quite a few happening throughout the month.


Share your story

If you feel comfortable doing so, share your story of dealing with infertility. It can be a powerful way to spread awareness and connect with others who understand what you’re going through.

Why World Infertility Awareness Month is Important


Raises awareness of fertility issues

World Infertility Awareness Month (WIAM) is a time to raise awareness about the struggles couples go through when trying to conceive. By shining a light on this issue, we can create conversations to empower those dealing with infertility and help increase access to support for those who need it.


Decreases stigma around infertility

Infertility can be an emotionally difficult experience - but one that is often made worse by society's judgemental attitude towards it. WIAM helps to dispel any negative stigmas surrounding fertility issues, breaking down barriers that prevent couples from seeking help or getting the support they need.


Creates a community of support

WIAM creates a safe, supportive environment where people with fertility issues can come together and share their experiences with each other. Whether you're looking for advice or just want someone to listen, taking part in WIAM helps create a much needed sense of solidarity among all those affected by infertility.

World Infertility Awareness Month FAQs

When is World Infertility Awareness Month?
World Infertility Awareness Month is observed annually throughout the month of June, and in 2025, it will begin on Sunday, June 1st, and continue until Monday, June 30th.

World Infertility Awareness Month Dates

Jun 1
Jun 1
Jun 1
Jun 1
Jun 1