October 1-7

Elderly Filipino Week

Let's honor and celebrate our beloved elderly Filipinos during Elderly Filipino Week - a time to show love, respect, and appreciation for their wisdom and contributions.

Yearly Date
October 1


Get ready to honor and celebrate the wisdom and contributions of our senior Filipino citizens during Elderly Filipino Week, which takes place on October 1. This week-long celebration has been observed since 1992, when it was first declared by former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos. It's a time to show our respect and appreciation for the elderly members of our community, who have played a vital role in shaping our society and culture. From special events and activities to simply spending quality time with our elderly loved ones, there are many ways we can make this week extra meaningful and joyful for them. Let's make sure they know how much they mean to us!

Elderly Filipino Week Timeline

Older Persons Act of 1992
This Philippine act was signed into law, granting benefits and special privileges for seniors above 60 years old, laying the groundwork for Elderly Filipino Week.
Establishment of Elderly Filipino Week
Former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos declared the first week of October as Elderly Filipino Week to honor the elderly and their contributions.
First National Respect for Centenarians Day
The Philippine government officially recognizes centenarians (people who reach 100 years of age) as an integral part of the senior population celebrated during this week.
Establishment of Solo Parents' Welfare Act
This Act provided additional support to single elderly parents, further reinforcing the importance of senior citizens in the Philippine community.
Expanded Senior Citizens Act
This Act expanded benefits and privileges for senior citizens, including bigger discounts and value-added tax (VAT) exemptions on purchases.
Centenarians Act of 2016
This Act awarded an incentive of Php 100,000 to every Filipino centenarian, whether residing in the Philippines or abroad, further honoring elderly citizens during Elderly Filipino Week.

How to Celebrate Elderly Filipino Week


Host a Filipino food tasting

Gather your friends and family to try traditional Filipino dishes and learn about the culture through its cuisine.


Organize a cultural dance workshop

Invite a local dance group to teach traditional Filipino dances and have fun learning and celebrating together.


Volunteer at a senior center

Spend time with elderly Filipinos by volunteering at a senior center and listening to their stories and experiences.


Create a photo collage of elderly Filipinos

Collect photos of elderly Filipinos in your community and create a collage to honor and celebrate their contributions.


Organize a senior citizens appreciation day

Plan a day of activities and treats for elderly Filipinos in your community to show your appreciation and gratitude for their wisdom and guidance.

Why Elderly Filipino Week is Important


It celebrates the contributions of elderly Filipinos

Elderly Filipino Week is a time to honor and recognize the valuable contributions that elderly Filipinos have made to their families, communities, and society as a whole. It's a way to show gratitude and respect for all that they have done throughout their lifetime.


It raises awareness for issues affecting the elderly Filipino community

Elderly Filipino Week also serves as a platform to bring attention to the challenges and issues faced by the elderly population in the Philippines. This includes healthcare access, social support, and financial stability. By raising awareness, steps can be taken to address these concerns and improve the lives of elderly Filipinos.


It promotes intergenerational harmony and unity

Elderly Filipino Week also serves as a reminder to younger generations about the important role that elderly Filipinos play in society. It promotes respect, understanding, and empathy towards the elderly and fosters closer relationships between different generations. This helps to create a more harmonious and united community.

Elderly Filipino Week FAQs

When is Elderly Filipino Week?
Elderly Filipino Week is celebrated yearly starting October 1, and in 2025, it will commence on a Wednesday, running through to October 7.

Elderly Filipino Week Dates

Oct 1
Oct 1
Oct 1
Oct 1
Oct 1