September 22

Falls Prevention Awareness Day

Take a stand against falls and injuries - join us for Falls Prevention Awareness Day and learn how to stay safe, healthy, and active!

Yearly Date
September 22


Get ready to celebrate Falls Prevention Awareness Day on September 22! This day was created in 2008 by the National Council on Aging and is dedicated to raising awareness about how falls can be prevented. It's also a great opportunity for individuals of all ages and abilities to learn more about their risk factors for falling, as well as simple steps that they can take to reduce their chances of taking a fall.

Falls Prevention Awareness Day Timeline

Holiday Establishment
The National Council on Aging establishes Falls Prevention Awareness Day to help the public understand the serious issue of fall-related injuries.
First Nationwide Participation
Falls Prevention Awareness Day is observed nationwide for the first time, increasing public awareness and highlighting the preventive measures that can be taken.
Theme Introduction
"Stand Together to Prevent Falls" becomes the first theme, reinforcing the concept of community involvement in fall prevention.
Recognition by Government
The US government officially recognizes Falls Prevention Awareness Day, leading to the implementation of several local and national initiatives.
Increased Community Involvement
Several communities across the US begin offering free resources, such as balance classes and strength training, to help prevent falls among older adults.

How to Celebrate Falls Prevention Awareness Day


Organize a community event

Organize a community event to educate people on fall prevention measures. Invite local medical professionals, physical therapists, and other experts to speak at the event and give advice on how to prevent falls.


Spread awareness online

Use social media and online forums to spread awareness about Falls Prevention Awareness Day. Post helpful tips, advice, and information on how to prevent falls and encourage others to do the same.


Host a screening event

Organize an event where people can get their vision, balance, and gait tested. This will help people identify any potential issues that could lead to falls and allow them to take steps to prevent them.


Create a falls prevention plan

Create a plan for yourself or someone else that outlines steps that can be taken to prevent falls. This can include things like wearing proper footwear, exercising regularly, getting regular vision tests, and avoiding slippery surfaces.


Educate seniors

Seniors are more likely to suffer from falls than any other age group, so it is important to educate them on fall prevention measures. Reach out to local senior centers and offer classes or seminars on how to prevent falls.

Why Falls Prevention Awareness Day is Important


Falls are a serious safety issue

Falls can result in serious injuries or even death, especially for seniors and those with medical conditions. Understanding the potential risks and taking steps to prevent falls is an important part of keeping everyone safe.


Falls can lead to long term disability

Slips and falls can result in broken bones, concussions, or other long term physical disabilities that could impact your mobility and quality of life. Taking the time to educate yourself on how to prevent falls can help you avoid these types of injuries.


Falls prevention awareness helps save money

By understanding the dangers of falling and actively trying to reduce your risk, you can save yourself or your loved ones money in medical costs. Prevention is always better (and cheaper!) than dealing with the consequences after it's too late.

Falls Prevention Awareness Day FAQs

When is Falls Prevention Awareness Day?
Falls Prevention Awareness Day is observed annually on September 22nd, and in 2025, it will fall on a Monday.

Falls Prevention Awareness Day Dates

Sep 22
Sep 22
Sep 22
Sep 22
Sep 22