January 12

National Marzipan Day

Get ready to indulge in the delicious and unique flavor of marzipan on National Marzipan Day - perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth cravings!

Yearly Date
January 12


Get ready to indulge in the delicious and unique flavor of marzipan on National Marzipan Day, celebrated on January 12! This sweet treat has been enjoyed for centuries, with its origins dating back to ancient times in the Middle East. Made from almonds and sugar, marzipan is often shaped into various forms and used as a decoration or filling for cakes and pastries. But it's not just tasty – it also holds cultural significance in many countries, being associated with celebrations and special occasions. So let's celebrate this delightful confectionary delight on its own special day!

National Marzipan Day Timeline

Middle Ages
Marzipan's Origins
The earliest known recipe for marzipan dates back to the Middle Ages, found in an Arabic book on health and wellness.
Marzipan in Europe
Marzipan became a specialty item in the city of Lübeck, Germany, in the 15th century, where it was often made into elaborate shapes.
Marzipan Mass Production
In the 19th century, the process of making marzipan was industrialized, making the sweet treat more widely available.
Marzipan as a Holiday Treat
By the mid-20th century, marzipan became a common treat during Christmas and Easter holidays in many parts of Europe.

How to Celebrate National Marzipan Day


Make homemade marzipan treats

Get creative in the kitchen and make your own marzipan treats, such as marzipan candies or marzipan-filled pastries. You can even shape the marzipan into fun designs or use food coloring to make it festive for the holiday.


Visit a marzipan factory or shop

Take a trip to a local marzipan factory or shop and learn about the history and process of making this delicious almond-based confection. You can also sample different types of marzipan and maybe even bring some home to enjoy.


Host a marzipan tasting party

Gather your friends and family for a marzipan tasting party! Ask each person to bring a different type of marzipan treat to share, such as cookies, cakes, or chocolates. You can also have a blind taste test and see who can guess the most flavors correctly.


Create marzipan-inspired crafts

Get crafty and make marzipan-inspired decorations or gifts. You can use clay or playdough to create mini marzipan treats, or use paint and paper to make marzipan-themed cards or artwork.


Have a marzipan baking competition

Challenge your friends or family members to a marzipan baking competition! Set a time limit and see who can come up with the most creative and delicious treat using marzipan as the main ingredient. The winner gets bragging rights and maybe even a trophy made out of marzipan!

Why We Love National Marzipan Day


Marzipan is a delicious treat

Marzipan is made from almonds and sugar, creating a sweet and nutty flavor that is irresistible. Whether you eat it on its own or use it in baking or confectionery, marzipan is a delightful indulgence for anyone with a sweet tooth!


It's rooted in tradition

Marzipan has been around since ancient times, and has been featured in many cultures and holiday traditions. National Marzipan Day gives us a chance to appreciate this time-honored treat and the history behind it.


It's versatile in the kitchen

Not only can you eat marzipan on its own, but it can also be used as a versatile ingredient in various recipes. From cake decorating to pastries, marzipan adds a unique flavor and texture that elevates any dish it's added to.

National Marzipan Day FAQs

When is National Marzipan Day?
National Marzipan Day is celebrated annually on January 12th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Sunday.

National Marzipan Day Dates

Jan 12
Jan 12
Jan 12
Jan 12
Jan 12