January 12

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day

Ready to stick to your New Year's resolutions? Join us on Stick to Your New Year's Resolution Day and let's make our goals a reality!

Yearly Date
January 12


It's time to dust off those New Year's resolutions and keep them going strong on Stick to Your New Year's Resolution Day on January 12! This day is all about reminding ourselves of the goals we set at the beginning of the year and finding ways to stay motivated and committed. Did you know that making resolutions has been a tradition since ancient times, when the Babylonians made promises to their gods in hopes of receiving good fortune in the coming year? So let's use this day as a chance to reflect on our progress, reevaluate our goals, and continue striving towards self-improvement. You got this!

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day Timeline

New Year's Resolutions Popularized
In the 19th century, the tradition of making New Year's resolutions gained popularity in the western world, as a means to reflect on the past year and improve in the new one.
Self-Improvement Trends
The 1980s saw a rise in self-improvement trends, with people focusing on goals ranging from fitness to financial stability as their New Year's resolutions.
Emergence of Goal-Setting Methods
Organized goal-setting methods such as SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) appeared, helping people stay committed to their New Year's Resolutions.
Technology Helps Accountability
With technological advancements, accountability apps and features to track goals became widely accessible, assisting people in sticking to their New Year's resolutions.
Mindfulness and Wellness Resolutions
New Year's resolutions saw a shift towards mental health and wellbeing, with mindfulness and wellness goals becoming more popular.
During The Pandemic
Global pandemic led to revisions in New Year’s resolutions with a focus on flexibility and forgiveness while sticking to resolutions.

How to Celebrate Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day


Create a vision board

Visualize your goals and create a vision board to help you stay motivated and on track with your New Year’s resolution. Use images, quotes, and affirmations to remind yourself of your intentions and keep them at the forefront of your mind.


Try a new workout or fitness class

Mix up your exercise routine and try something new to keep things interesting and challenging. Sign up for a fitness class or try out a new workout you’ve been wanting to try. This will help you stay motivated and prevent boredom with your workouts.


Reward yourself

Set smaller goals along the way to your bigger New Year’s resolution and reward yourself when you reach them. This will give you something to look forward to and help you stay motivated throughout the year.


Find an accountability partner

Team up with a friend or family member who also has a New Year’s resolution and hold each other accountable. Check in with each other regularly and provide support and encouragement to keep each other on track.


Reflect on your progress

Take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come since making your New Year’s resolution. Celebrate your successes and learn from any setbacks. This will help you stay motivated and continue making progress towards your goals.

Why We Love Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day


It's a reminder to stay committed to our goals

Stick to Your New Year's Resolution Day is a great way to remind ourselves of the promises we made to ourselves at the beginning of the year. It encourages us to stay committed and motivated, even if we may have strayed from our resolutions. Let's use this day as a reset button and get back on track!


It celebrates determination and perseverance

Keeping a New Year's resolution for an entire year takes a lot of dedication and hard work. Stick to Your New Year's Resolution Day honors the determination and perseverance it takes to make significant changes in our lives, whether it be in our health, relationships, or personal growth.


It allows us to reflect on our progress

On this day, we can take stock of how far we've come since we made our resolutions. It's a chance to celebrate small victories and remind ourselves that even if we haven't reached our ultimate goal, progress is still progress! Let's use this day as motivation to keep going and reach our full potential.

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day FAQs

When is Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day?
Stick to Your New Year's Resolution Day is celebrated annually on January 12th, and in 2025, it will fall on a Sunday.

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day Dates

Jan 12
Jan 12
Jan 12
Jan 12
Jan 12