August 3

Psychic Day

Tap into your intuition and celebrate Psychic Day with tarot readings, crystal healing sessions, and more mystical experiences.

Yearly Date
First Sunday in August


Get ready to tap into your psychic abilities on the First Sunday in August, also known as Psychic Day! This day celebrates all things related to psychics and their mystical powers. The origin of this holiday is unknown, but it's a great opportunity to explore the world of divination and spiritual guidance. Whether you're a believer or just curious, there are many fun ways to celebrate this day – from getting a tarot reading to practicing meditation and mindfulness. So embrace your intuition and let the universe guide you on this special day!

Psychic Day Timeline

Tarot Cards Invented
Tarot cards were first invented in Italy during the 15th century, originally as a card game before evolving into a tool for divination.
Emergence of Spiritualism
The Fox sisters in Hydesville, New York sparked the Spiritualism movement, which included seances and communication with spirits.
Birth of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud published "Studies on Hysteria", diving into the unconscious mind, which led to discussions about psychic phenomena.
First Parapsychology Laboratory
Duke University established the first parapsychology lab under Dr. J.B. Rhine to study psychic phenomena scientifically.
Psychic Friends Network Boom
Television psychic hotlines, like the Psychic Friends Network, reached peak popularity, associating psychics with popular culture.

How to Celebrate Psychic Day


Get your fortune told

Visit a psychic or tarot reader to get your fortune told on Psychic Day. It can be a fun and interesting experience to see what the future holds for you.


Host a psychic party

Gather some friends and have a psychic party where everyone can get their fortunes read. Provide some snacks and drinks for a fun and unique celebration.


Learn about different psychic abilities

Take some time to research and learn about different types of psychic abilities on Psychic Day. You may discover a new interest or gain a better understanding of this mysterious practice.


Meditate and connect with your intuition

On Psychic Day, take some quiet time to meditate and connect with your intuition. This can help you tap into your own psychic abilities and gain insight into your inner self.


Share your experiences with others

Gather a group of friends or family and share your experiences with any psychic readings you've had on Psychic Day. This can be a fun and enlightening way to celebrate and learn from each other.

Why We Love Psychic Day


It's a day to celebrate all things psychic

Psychic Day is a chance to honor and appreciate the world of psychics, mediums and all things related. It's a time to recognize the gifts that these individuals possess and learn more about the field of psychic abilities.


It can bring closure and comfort

For some, visiting a psychic can provide closure or comfort in difficult situations. Whether seeking guidance on a life decision or connecting with a loved one who has passed, Psychic Day highlights the potential for healing and peace through psychic abilities.


It opens up new perspectives

Even for those who may not have strong beliefs in the psychic realm, participating in Psychic Day can offer new insights and perspectives. It encourages open-mindedness and an exploration of the unknown - which can be both exciting and enlightening!

Psychic Day FAQs

When is Psychic Day?
Psychic Day is celebrated annually on the First Sunday in August, and in 2025, it will be observed on Sunday, August 3rd.

Psychic Day Dates

Aug 6
Aug 4
Aug 3
Aug 2
Aug 1